we're still best friends [proof > or here] we still love each other! [proof > neither one pushed the other off the top :) ] we're happy as clams [ proof > really, there are clams...]
one of dallin's and my favorite places to go for sushi (well, for food actually) is yamasaki restaurant in murray. the soft shell crab is my favorite sushi roll there, but i haven't had one that i didn't love. if you don't like sushi, they have lots of other things to eat there too. we love it!
Yeah, I know I'm lame.... and i don't blog.... and no one reads it....and this post is late but it was fun and we had an awesome adventure.
So on the weekend after the Forth of July....Go America!!!!! The Barkers got together to have a little reunion. We had the AZ Barkers, the SLC Barkers, the Murray Barkers and Jana was there too. On Thursday night after work, Becki and I packed up the car and we headed to St. George or San Jorge as it is commonly known. My Dad (Dr. Dave) Had rented a condo where we could all stay and have fun meeting together. We arrived to find my Dad and brother Ammon chilling at the condo while the girls were out to a play at the Tuacahn. The following morning we plastered on the sunscreen and headed to Zions for a day of hiking. Lest we all forget Barkers never have vacations they have adventures and their adventures never have a shortage of hikes. Dr. Dave decided it would all behoove the family if we hiked Angels Landing. This is no joke sheer cliff on either side the whole time...well pretty much. Emma my little angel face was also in company with us and enjoyed the view from the curb and making 'Aunt Jemima' proud with her up do....I thought it was racist even though she is only one year old....okay just kidding. We had an awesome time weaving in and out of the chains toward the top of the landing and trying not to fall to our deaths. But the view was spectacular. After a quick lunch mostly consisting of a 5 pound bag of 'Good n Plenty' and some chips we were on the way down. After returning to the shuttle stop and after I entertained Emma for a while Dr. Dave wanted to go see Weeping Rock which was well worth the ten feet walk from the road. On the return trip back to the condo we all talked of taking showers and relaxing at the pool. Which sounded great to me because we looked like a mess! The pool and showers were in fact extremely relaxing and cooled everyone off after a good days hike. That night we had some cooking demonstrations preformed by yours truly and the lovely Becki. We showed the family how to make a delicious meal on a budget and that it can still taste great! Later Jes talked about real budgeting which I enjoyed and thought about how I should stop buying balinese mahogany toilet brushes to save money. On Saturday morning most of us went to the St George temple, then we all met up for brunch before heading our separate ways. It was a great trip and Becki and I really had a great time. Well despite the fact it was a late post it was still awesome. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures form the Murray Barkers!!! One love.