life is definitely different now!
but in the best possible way.
these two girls are so beautiful and sweet that i don't even mind only sleeping for 1-2 hour stretches at night. i don't think any other people could make me feel that way.
they have stolen our hearts completely!
i think the 2 most common phrases at our home these days are:
i love our girls so much!
they are just so cute!
sabrina & fiona had their 2 week check-ups last wednesday and are doing wonderfully!
they both met and passed their birth weights by 3 oz. sabrina weighed 6 lbs. and was in the 3rd percentile for her weight and fiona weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. and was in the 5th percentile. SO TINY!
i'll get onto the pictures now(there are a lot. but give me a break, they are cute!):
in their matching preemie outfilts (sabrina left, fiona right):
resting (fiona left, sabrina right):

just hanging out together. for not being identical, they sure look alike, don't they? (fiona left, sabrina right):

october baby:
just hanging out with dad!:

just a regular sort of nap:

october baby:
snuggles with dad (and spit up too! dal went through 3 shirts that day, courtesy of fiona!):

just hangin' out in the baby sling:

we had a pretty chill halloween this year.
on sunday, we had a halloween party at grandma dianne's and grandpa wayne's house. lots of kids, lots of noise, lots of food. and the girls were the center of attention (of course)!