this is me at 30 weeks

pregnant brain
i don't know what it is about being pregnant that makes people dumber. well, you know, i shouldn't assume this happens to other people, it's probably just me. i like to blame my mistakes and dumb moments on what i refer to as "pregnant brain." does anyone else suffer from this?
today at work, instead of faxing something i made 54 copies of it (or i would have if i hadn't caught my mistake halfway through. as it was, i only made about 30...)!
i'm always forgetting about things that happened 5 minutes ago...
i don't always remember how big my belly is, so i find myself running into doors or bumping my belly into things (this happens at work all the time... and i probably shouldn't admit to this either...)
also, does anyone else talk to their belly? i find myself having conversations with my babies and i pretend they know what i'm talking about. and then the people around me look at me funny because they think i'm talking to them when i say "stop kicking my bladder!"
my favorite
I LOVE feeling these kiddos move! i don't know what only one baby kicking feels like, but i swear, these girls move ALL day long! maybe they take turns sleeping and kicking or something because my belly is always moving!
i love feeling their feet and knees and elbows poke out and i love watching them ripple across my belly! i'm always grabbing dallin's hand and making him feel it, or i tell him to come feel them move.
my girls are stubborn already though, because if i tell him to feel my belly, as soon as his hand touches it, they stop moving. then he takes it off and they kick. and he puts it back on and they stop. i think they just like to tease him :)
the truth
i'm not saying that being pregnant is easy. i have heartburn and my morning sickness has come back. my belly hurts all the time and i have a hard time breathing or sleeping. but after everything i've read about twin pregnancy, i realize that i have it SO easy compared to most people. even easier than people i know that are pregnant with one baby.
here's why:
- i'm not on bedrest and i'm 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow
- i'm still able to work (i'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, haha)
- i still have ankles
- if everything continues to go well, i only have 5 or 6 weeks left (not 10!)
- so far (cross your fingers) i haven't had any of the complications associated with twin pregnancy
- we won't have to buy a crib, changing table/dresser, rocking chair, swing, carseats, etc. (thanks to family gifts and hand-me-downs!)
- i get to feel my babies move ALL day long (it's so AWESOME!)
but mostly:
- my babies are growing really well and they are healthy and strong!
so here's hoping for the next few weeks to go as smoothly as the last 30 have gone!
i CAN'T WAIT to meet these little girlies!