28 April 2012
27 April 2012
Sabrina and I were taking pictures with my phone today and she was copying my faces. Such a cute and funny girl!
19 April 2012
little mozarts
It’s been raining here the past few days.
*update: it stopped raining, so we spent the rest of the day outside! heaven my friends. heaven.
Which means we can’t go outside to play.
There are only so many pages the girls can color or goldfish they
can eat.
Which means that Sabrina and Fiona are suffering a little from cabin
Which makes them grumpy and whiney.
Which makes me grumpy.
So in an effort to help us all not go crazy, I put my
keyboard on the ground for them to play with.
They have played with it [on it] for the past 2 days. They
LOVE it! They play it with their feet. They
sit on it. They stand on it. They walk
on it. But only occasionally do they play it with their hands. J
*update: it stopped raining, so we spent the rest of the day outside! heaven my friends. heaven.
18 April 2012
these babes are "all girl"
they already know how to walk in heels, a very important thing to learn!
one of the girls favorite things to do on rainy days is coloring! they use both hands to color and if you don't watch them closely, they will try to eat the crayons too.
aren't they beautiful?
18 months!
we did it! we made it to 18 months!
i really can't believe that sabrina and fiona are already that OLD! i had a talk with sabrina just the other day about how she and sis need to stop growing cuz they are just getting too big. i don't think she was really listening to me though.
these cuties had their 18-month check-up with the doc and everything is great! they are growing big and strong and [thankfully] didn't have to have any shots this visit!
sabrina: 21 lbs 2 oz (9%) & 32.1 inches tall (65%)
fiona: 21 lbs 10 oz (13%) & 32.5 inches tall (76%)
VERY close together. but this is actually the FARTHEST apart they have ever been (a whole 1/2 pound difference!) they are tall and skinny, little string beans!
they are jabbering a lot these days! they have their own language that they can understand, but we only understand a few words here and there:
mama & dada
nana (banana)
duh (ducks) say cack cack! (quack)
dah dah (dogs) say arr arr!
car [anything with wheels]
sip (sippy cup)
sots & soos (socks & shoes)
caca (cracker)
dishee (fishy)
juckuh (jacket) [then the run to the door because they know that "jacket" also means "outside"]
hi & bye
aww [followed by a hug]
yes & no
tank oo (thank you)
dis (this) [along with a pointed finger]
wave, they hug lots and blow kisses, give high fives. they run very fast in opposite directions. they love to climb and play peek-a-boo and they love drinking milk, juice or water. sabrina and fiona love to scream to each other [happy screams. very high pitched. then they giggle at each other!] they can point out their nose and ears and are starting to recognize what eyes and mouth mean too. they both have 12 teeth [four in front on top and bottom, 2 top molars, and 2 bottom molars.] they love wrapping up in a blanket and walking around all wrapped up. they love to color pictures with their crayons. they color and do other things with both their right and left hands, so we don't know which they will be yet. their hair is long enough for pigtails and ponytails now and they looks so cute in them.
is such a little sweetie. she loves to snuggle and when you give her a high five, she will also give you a "pound-it" to go along with it. she loves giving hugs and making kissy faces. she loves to swing and climb to the top of the playground. she loves shoes and jackets and her kitty pillow pet. she LOVES animals and will point them out whenever she sees one. sabrina shakes her head at us to tell us "no." [she does this a lot when she doesn't want to eat what i'm trying to feed her or she is done eating.] if she is upset, she will flop/throw herself on the floor and wail. sabrina is a binkie thief! she often takes them right out of fiona's mouth. even if she already has one in her mouth at bedtime, she goes to sleep easier if she also has one clutched in her hands. she also likes to steal spoons and sippies from fiona too. sabrina gets a lot of bumps and bruises. she's had a few black eyes, goose eggs on her head, scratches and scrapes and bruises. i think it's because she just dives [literally] into what she's doing and doesn't always look where she's going. sabrina is a chipmunk- she shoves as much food as she can into her mouth and stores it in her cheeks while she slowly chews it up.
is so fun to be around! she has a great giggle that is loud and proud. she loves to open her mouth up as wide as it will go to show you how happy she is. she knows what she wants and tries very hard to let you know. she will point at something and wait for you to figure out what she wants. she'll say "no" to you if you get it wrong. she loves to slide and isn't afraid to go down the big slides all by herself. when she gets to the bottom she giggles and claps because she is so proud of herself. if we ask her a question and she doesn't know the answer, fiona will shrug and say "doh no!" (don't know!) or if she doesn't know where sabrina is, she'll ask "where see go?" (where she go?) she gets a little nervous in the tub and doesn't like to get her face wet, but she loves to splash with sis. she is very attached to her puppy pillow pet and clutches it very possessively in the morning when she first gets up. don't try to take it away or she will let you have it! fiona is a cautious eater. she takes small bites and chews slowly.
*sorry for the quality of the pictures, they are from my phone. my camera needs a new battery and i'm waiting for it to arrive.
i really can't believe that sabrina and fiona are already that OLD! i had a talk with sabrina just the other day about how she and sis need to stop growing cuz they are just getting too big. i don't think she was really listening to me though.
these cuties had their 18-month check-up with the doc and everything is great! they are growing big and strong and [thankfully] didn't have to have any shots this visit!
sabrina: 21 lbs 2 oz (9%) & 32.1 inches tall (65%)
fiona: 21 lbs 10 oz (13%) & 32.5 inches tall (76%)
VERY close together. but this is actually the FARTHEST apart they have ever been (a whole 1/2 pound difference!) they are tall and skinny, little string beans!
they are jabbering a lot these days! they have their own language that they can understand, but we only understand a few words here and there:
mama & dada
nana (banana)
duh (ducks) say cack cack! (quack)
dah dah (dogs) say arr arr!
car [anything with wheels]
sip (sippy cup)
sots & soos (socks & shoes)
caca (cracker)
dishee (fishy)
juckuh (jacket) [then the run to the door because they know that "jacket" also means "outside"]
hi & bye
aww [followed by a hug]
yes & no
tank oo (thank you)
dis (this) [along with a pointed finger]
wave, they hug lots and blow kisses, give high fives. they run very fast in opposite directions. they love to climb and play peek-a-boo and they love drinking milk, juice or water. sabrina and fiona love to scream to each other [happy screams. very high pitched. then they giggle at each other!] they can point out their nose and ears and are starting to recognize what eyes and mouth mean too. they both have 12 teeth [four in front on top and bottom, 2 top molars, and 2 bottom molars.] they love wrapping up in a blanket and walking around all wrapped up. they love to color pictures with their crayons. they color and do other things with both their right and left hands, so we don't know which they will be yet. their hair is long enough for pigtails and ponytails now and they looks so cute in them.
is such a little sweetie. she loves to snuggle and when you give her a high five, she will also give you a "pound-it" to go along with it. she loves giving hugs and making kissy faces. she loves to swing and climb to the top of the playground. she loves shoes and jackets and her kitty pillow pet. she LOVES animals and will point them out whenever she sees one. sabrina shakes her head at us to tell us "no." [she does this a lot when she doesn't want to eat what i'm trying to feed her or she is done eating.] if she is upset, she will flop/throw herself on the floor and wail. sabrina is a binkie thief! she often takes them right out of fiona's mouth. even if she already has one in her mouth at bedtime, she goes to sleep easier if she also has one clutched in her hands. she also likes to steal spoons and sippies from fiona too. sabrina gets a lot of bumps and bruises. she's had a few black eyes, goose eggs on her head, scratches and scrapes and bruises. i think it's because she just dives [literally] into what she's doing and doesn't always look where she's going. sabrina is a chipmunk- she shoves as much food as she can into her mouth and stores it in her cheeks while she slowly chews it up.
is so fun to be around! she has a great giggle that is loud and proud. she loves to open her mouth up as wide as it will go to show you how happy she is. she knows what she wants and tries very hard to let you know. she will point at something and wait for you to figure out what she wants. she'll say "no" to you if you get it wrong. she loves to slide and isn't afraid to go down the big slides all by herself. when she gets to the bottom she giggles and claps because she is so proud of herself. if we ask her a question and she doesn't know the answer, fiona will shrug and say "doh no!" (don't know!) or if she doesn't know where sabrina is, she'll ask "where see go?" (where she go?) she gets a little nervous in the tub and doesn't like to get her face wet, but she loves to splash with sis. she is very attached to her puppy pillow pet and clutches it very possessively in the morning when she first gets up. don't try to take it away or she will let you have it! fiona is a cautious eater. she takes small bites and chews slowly.
fiona is piling toilet paper into her potty:
fiona in the pink shirt hugging sabrina in the white shirt:
sabrina's black eye (the left one- not a great picture, it was already fading here):
12 April 2012
The Rescuing Hug
I think this is such a sweet picture and article. I really do think that twins have a calming and strengthening effect on each other. I know my girls do and I feel so blessed to have them both!
The Rescuing HugThis picture is from an article called “The Rescuing Hug”. The article details the first week of life of a set of twins. Each were in their respective incubators and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two, threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace. The smaller baby’s heart stabilized and temperature rose to normal.source: http://piccsy.com/2011/10/the-rescuing-hug/
I've been punk'd!
Those little rascals
stole my keys again!
We searched what felt like the whole apartment and
came up empty.
Which left dumpster diving. Yuck!
And no luck either.
So we
decided to search the girl’s room one more time and at the bottom of their toy
box on our third or fourth time through it, we finally found the keys! Clearly I need to be more proactive at
keeping the keys out of the reach of their STICKY little hands!
Tomorrow I’ll make a very big, very obvious
lanyard or something to attach to them so they’ll be easier to find.
And maybe
I’ll attach a hook to the ceiling to hang them from because on top of the
printer on top of the computer desk obviously isn't high enough! J
06 April 2012
peek-a-boo & hide-and-seek
these girls love to hide and then pop out and say "Boo!"
sabrina hiding in the sheet while i folded laundry:
fiona hiding behind the towel. "if i can't see you, you can't see me!":
03 April 2012
lost keys
so my keys have been missing for a few days now. the last time i used them was when i went grocery shopping on wednesday. i noticed that they were missing almost immediately and looked around for them but had no success. i knew the girls had been playing with them and figured they would turn up eventually.
so now it's monday and still no keys. i'm starting to get a little concerned, so i looked everywhere i could think of today. still no luck. i had dallin check both cars to see if they got left in there. nope.
well for FHE tonight, during the prayers, we asked that we would be able to find my keys. and then we had a lesson about being thankful. keep in mind, our girls have like NO attention span, so prayers last 20 seconds, the lesson was about a minute. then we colored a picture about being thankful for food and clothes and our home. while we were doing that, i remembered that i had found the dvd case for "tangled" in the trash earlier this week (thanks girls!) and the thought came that maybe the keys had ended up there too.
so i got out a trash bag and started looking through the garbage. about halfway through, i found my watch. sweet! i hadn't even noticed that was missing. but no keys. so i kept sifting through, moving all the trash from the garbage to the new sack and at the VERY bottom of the trash, underneath EVERYTHING else sat my keys!
guess who put them there? that's right. sabrina or fiona. i'm not sure which one. (remember this?)
well, we had a talk with the girls about not throwing things in the garbage anymore. and then we said a prayer to say thank you for helping us find our keys so quickly. all in all, a very successful FHE :)
so now it's monday and still no keys. i'm starting to get a little concerned, so i looked everywhere i could think of today. still no luck. i had dallin check both cars to see if they got left in there. nope.
well for FHE tonight, during the prayers, we asked that we would be able to find my keys. and then we had a lesson about being thankful. keep in mind, our girls have like NO attention span, so prayers last 20 seconds, the lesson was about a minute. then we colored a picture about being thankful for food and clothes and our home. while we were doing that, i remembered that i had found the dvd case for "tangled" in the trash earlier this week (thanks girls!) and the thought came that maybe the keys had ended up there too.
so i got out a trash bag and started looking through the garbage. about halfway through, i found my watch. sweet! i hadn't even noticed that was missing. but no keys. so i kept sifting through, moving all the trash from the garbage to the new sack and at the VERY bottom of the trash, underneath EVERYTHING else sat my keys!
guess who put them there? that's right. sabrina or fiona. i'm not sure which one. (remember this?)
well, we had a talk with the girls about not throwing things in the garbage anymore. and then we said a prayer to say thank you for helping us find our keys so quickly. all in all, a very successful FHE :)
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