28 June 2013

Deaun Kate

Our beautiful Deaun Kate was born June 25, 2013 at 8:56 pm. I was induced 2 1/2 weeks early because I had choleostasis. My labor was 12 hours long and pretty uneventful.  I had an epidural and once I was fully dilated, I only pushed 3 times before she was born.   She weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and she was 20 inches long. She was beautiful and healthy and absolutely perfect.

Our little red haired, blue eyed angel stole our hearts. It was love at first sight for all of us.

June 25th:

June 26th:

26 June 2013

June 24

This was the last day of our family of only 4.  The girls danced, my belly was huge, and we took the girls on a family date to Red Mango for some frozen yogurt.

20 June 2013

Summer fun

The girls have really enjoyed playing in their kiddie pool this summer.  They love putting their slide in the pool and they love playing with their friends too.