25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

My heart is full tonight as I think about this Holiday season. It has been one full of love, laughter and anticipation for future adventures. 

Just before Thanksgiving, Dallin was accepted to the University of Edinburgh for his Master's program and so we will be moving to Scotland next summer. We are excited for this adventure and the opportunity it will be for us to grow as a family and to share our beliefs with others. 

Our belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what we celebrate this Christmas season as we remember the birth of a King, and the life of our Savior and Redeemer. We are so blessed to have this knowledge and the happiness it brings to our lives. 

(Baby Deaun as baby Jesus in the Robison nativity)

And even though I'm not a perfect mother, and I make mistakes, my family (extended, an especially immediate) is my greatest earthly possession, and it is because of the Gospel that I can be with them forever. 

I pray that no matter where or who you are, or what you believe, that tomorrow on Christmas, you may feel love, peace, and happiness. And may your new year be full of wonderful adventures and lots of laughter!

For more about what I believe, visit mormon.org or lds.org

19 December 2013

Letters to Santa

Christmas Crafts

Since Sabrina and Fiona are old enough this year to understand Christmas a bit more, Dallin and I really wanted to make the season special for them. We read a different Christmas story every day, we sing Christmas songs, and we have had some fun making Christmas crafts.

Construction paper Christmas trees:

Rudolph (Grandma Karen's idea):

Toilet paper roll snowmen:
(Fiona's is the one with the creepy red eyes!)

I have really enjoyed this Christmas season with my two little buddies and I can't wait for many more.