well yesterday was our first anniversary! i can't believe how fast it's gone, it just feels like time flew by!

we celebrated our anniversary in a unique way. dal's sister jana married mark yesterday, so we spent the day at the temple for a wedding breakfast, sealing, and pictures afterwards.
one of the most special things about the day was after jana and mark's sealing. as we were leaving the sealing room, dal and i stopped by the room where we were sealed! we just poked our heads in the door for a few seconds, but it was really special to take a minute and think about where we were one year ago, at our own sealing! i'm so blessed to have dallin in my life and to have him forever. he takes such good care of me and is so supportive.
so here's to an eternity of more years as good as this last one has been!
i love you dal.
Happy Anniversary! Love you both!