16 March 2011

tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie

and we'll provide the rest! (name that song...)

so the girls have loved eating real food! we've only had them try a few things so far, but they always gobble it right up! so far we've had oatmeal, apple juice and apple sauce, sweet potatoes and carrots. i think we'll try pears and squash next.

they make such a mess when they eat, but i don't really have tons pictures of it (cuz it's hard to take pictures and feed two girls at once, one of which is usually on my lap). we've managed to snap a few though.



sabrina & fiona are also starting to love their stuffed animals, arnie (an elephant) and paulo (a giraffe)! sabrina loves to grab arnie's trunk and suck on his tusks, and fiona loves to grab paulo around the neck and squeeze him tight. and lick him of course!

one morning, as we were getting the girls out of their blankets, we found sabrina like this:

somehow her nightgown had slipped down to a scandalous level, and we of course, being good parents, took a picture of it!

on sunday, their 5 monthiversary, sabrina decided to roll over onto her tummy. not to be outdone, fiona followed her on monday (march 14). uh oh!

we've been having lots of fun in the barker home. hope you guys are doing well too!


  1. Your girls are so cute and fun!! Don't you love all these new things they are doing? It's the best! We should get together sometime. We don't live that far from each other...

  2. Be Our Guest...don't challenge a mom of a 2-year-old girl to a quote-off! :)

    I love that the hold their own hands while eating...definitely a baby Barker trait! It's so fun to see their personalities coming out! Keep posting! Oh, and maybe some video next time? :) Thanks!

  3. the scandalous one made me laugh right out loud. i miss my girls!!! so does G.
