04 May 2011

why i don't (always) volunteer that i have twins

i swear, i've had this exact conversation before. dallin too. except maybe we're nicer about it. but that's what we're thinking....


  1. Hilarious. I love it. Now I have to apologize if I ever asked you how you do it...HA! Have you ever watched the feminist video? It's hilarious.

  2. haha, i don't think you have. i don't really mind though, i just think it's so funny how those are always the questions strangers ask.
    i'll have to look up the feminist video!

  3. People say/ask the dumbest things. Because my kids are close in age I often get asked which was the accident. lol. or If I planned it that way on purpose.
    I would agree that my favorite kid is also the one not crying :)

  4. hahahahaha best video ever :)

  5. Oh my gosh! I laughed my head off! People will argue with me that my boys are identical. It gets so frustrating sometimes. I had to share this on my blog too! Thanks for the good laugh.

  6. haha i love it. my sister has twins and has the same questions asked to her, i sent her this video and she laughed really hard!

  7. Hahaha...it's crazy what some people will say. I am always asked if Emma is adopted because she looks nothing like me. If she's throwing a tantrum, they ask me if that's why I'm waiting til she's 5 to have another one. When I tell them she's still 2, they tell me that I've got a long road ahead of me.

    I've mastered the smile and nod with a fake laugh. I then get back in my car and cry the whole way home. I now hate shopping. :)

  8. That is hilarious!! haha! I hope I am never that person!! :)

  9. Ha ha! What is your favorite brand of tampon! This made my day.
