04 April 2013


Fiona: Mom, we go to the zoo?
Me: We can't. We don't have a car.
Fiona: We take the stroller?
Me: No, it's too far to walk in the stroller.
Fiona: And we would be... nerrrr...vous?

Me: Sabrina, get off the table.
Sabrina: Shhh. Be quiet. Don't talk. Shhh.

Sabrina: Mama, mama I know something!
Me: What do you know?
Sabrina: My Eeyore is a donkey!

At 1:30 in the morning, when Sabrina woke up sad-
Me: Sabrina, what's wrong?
Sabrina: I sleep in your bed?
Me: No honey, you need to sleep in your bed.
Sabrina: (sobs) Pleeease!!!
Me: Sorry baby, but I could lay in bed with you.
Sabrina: (sobs harder) Go away! You mean! (crawls under covers)
Me: Okay. Well I love you lots.
Sabrina: (stops crying) I love you too. (sniffle)

Fiona: Why did Daddy go to work?
Me: So that we can pay for our food and our house and car.
Sabrina: I like to drive my baby car!

Fiona: Where did Santa go?
Me: He is probably at home because it isn't Christmas right now.
Fiona: No! He went to the temple! (giggle giggle giggle)

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