04 September 2009

job adventures

i had my first day of training at my new job today. i work for a company called extend health. here are a few things about my day:

1- extend health calls their training, "extend university," but it's actually more like kindergarten. i got a sticker with my name on it to put on my shirt. i also received a piece of construction paper with instructions to write my name on it and keep it with me so that everyone can know my name. (isn't that what a name tag is for?) later i got a yellow sticker to stick on my name tag because i am a visual-verbal learner. yay me!

2- this is not a call center, it's a "retiree service center." i am not an insurange agent, i am an "advisor." i don't work in sales, i work in the "enrolling department."

3- a conversation i had today as i pulled out my phone to send a text to dallin. stranger: so, have you been texting for long? me: um... no. i just pulled it out. stranger: no, i mean have you known how to text for very long? me: um...yes?

4- my "homework" is to bring a picture of my favorite senior citizen to work tomorrow.

5- my new best bud at work is mr. wright. he told me i could call him chris. he's about 70 years old and in exchange for showing him how to use a computer, he tells me stories about places he used to work.

okay, yes. so i'm slightly ashamed of my job. but also amused. i can't wait for what tomorrow holds... i guess i'll stay there until i invent something that makes me a million bucks.


  1. HAHAHA i love everything about this..and your positive attivude! i like the texting questions! so great! and mr wright who has work stories! get a pcture of him!
