13 November 2009

10 things I love about my husband DALLIN FLOYD BARKER

1) He LOVES me and he always lets me know.
2) He’s EXTRA! Extra handsome. Extra nice. Extra awesome. Etc.
3) He is a great cook. I have not had a single bad tasting meal since we got married (unless I’m cooking…). Everything he makes is absolutely delicious!
4) We have fun together! Whether it’s rock climbing, camping, fishing, four-wheeling, setting up the tent in our living room, or just watching TV, he is always making me laugh.
5) He doesn’t make fun of me unless I deserve it. He doesn’t laugh when I cry and when I’m upset he is so patient with me.
6) He believes in me. Even when I don’t. Whether it’s about school, or my job, or my climbing skills (or lack thereof) he always tells me that I can do anything and that he has total confidence in me.
7) He works so hard. I don’t know if you know this about him, but he is taking 16 credits at the U this semester! And he works almost every day. And he still helps me cook and clean up! He is such a great husband!
8) He is always surprising me. Sometimes it’s with an extra hug or kiss when we leave in the morning. Or he makes the bed. Or folds some laundry. He is so selfless and is always doing nice things for me. Last week, he bought me the new Andrea Bocelli Christmas CD. (It is awesome and it has the Mo-Tab Choir on it, so check it out!)
9) He is AWESOME. I know I already said this, but I just want to reiterate. My husband is cool. Shades at night cool.

He puts up with me always making mistakes. Like that time last week when the haircut I was giving him turned into a buzz without an attachment… he just laughed and said it was fine. He trimmed his beard to match his short hair and gave me a hug and kiss. Even though I was near tears, he just told me he loved me.

How much better can it get?!


  1. The hair buzz was my favorite... that's awesome. That's probably why I'm so nervous when I do Pierce's hair. I check to see if there is an attachment like three times before I dive in.

    Y'all are cute!

  2. Where can I order one just like yours? I want one!

    Beck, I miss you like crazy! When are you going to be in Provo next? We need to hook.it.up.

    Dallin, props to you for being awesome! If you have a long-lost identical twin out there, I've got dibs.

  3. what a saint. youshould probably hold on to this one.....
